Category: Communication

  • Mockingbird answer

    There are several methods used by Harper Lee to communicate what is going on in the trial. For example, she sets up the character of Bob Ewell by using metaphors “once more he was a red little rooster”. This metaphor shows that Bob Ewell’s body language and state of mind where like that of a…

  • The Parisian Sonata

    “There is only one question I can ask you, Adeline. There is only one answer I’ll accept, so what will it be?” “No.”   It was later that night that Gustavo truly felt what pain meant in his lonely Parisian apartment. The walls with paint peeling off the walls and the pain seeping from his…

  • PETA: Write2Argue

    PETA   I was once a very strong PETA supporter. PETA is the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I used to donate to them, go to fun-runs (we never actually ran, just walked for a bit and socialised) and even sponsor some of their animals. My ignorance for their darker deeds was complete…

  • Choices for Movies/Books: Reading Project

    1.) Fight Club (Book and Movie) 2.) The Myth of Sisyphus 3.) American Beauty 4.) Zen and the Art of the Motorcycle Maintenance 5.) Introducing Existentialism   Any suggestions are welcomed!

  • Compare how flaws are shown in Othello and a range of poetry you have studied.

    Flaws and the analysis of flaws are common in literature, partly because of their universal appeal to all people. People either read these because they acknowledge and enjoy their flaws or have a certain schadenfreude, which means that writers can explore this without fear of completely alienating their audience. In Shakespeare’s famous The Tragedy of Othello,…

  • To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter 1,2 & 3 summary

    This chapter is introducing the novel. It mainly revolves around developing the main characters. We meet Scout, Jem and their friend Charles Baker Harris, aka. Dill. They are discussing something of a local legend, the Radley house which is know for it’s bizarre and mysterious residents most notably: Boo Radley. The quote I picked was…

  • Paxman Vs. Brand: My letter to Russell Brand

    Dear Mr.Brand I watched your Newsnight interview with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Paxman’s reputation precedes him; he is a verbal Leviathan forged in steel. Of course, not implying that you are one of the meek fisher-folk the Leviathan preys on, quite the opposite in fact. You are a very powerful wordsmith and are…

  • The Speaker In The Laboratory

    The speaker in the Laboratory is a woman driven to instability by the infidelity of her husband ( the identity of her husband is a point of contention when we were discussing this poem but I digress.). She, unlike other characters in poetry, is cold and calculated in her revenge. She shows little regret for…

  • Ozymandias Creative Writing – Pugno (ALTERNATE)

     Et Pugno Ozymandias: Creative Writing   “Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level lands stretch far away.”     Aldrich walked down with an urgent pace, his advisers barely able to keep up with him. He mounted his ebony black destrier and rode with great…

  • Ozymandias Creative Writing: Pugno

    “Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level lands stretch far away.” Aldrich: Aldrich walked down with an urgent pace, his advisors barely able to keep up with him. He mounted his ebony black destrier and rode with great haste, his thoughts moving even faster than…